Marjorie Rose Davis
Currently lives and works in Fort Collins, Colorado
“A multimedia artist at heart, I tend to gravitate toward acrylic paint, ink, and nail polish. I am working on incorporating my emotions, relationships, and personal experiences into my work. I hope to process and reflect deeply enough during my process that my paintings feel personal in some way to the viewer.
A favorite artist of mine recently expressed in an interview that they had a great interest in a subject matter but didn’t know why- yet. I feel as though this is a great explanation for my own process. I enjoy capturing shine, bursts of light, anything that gleams and glistens in my paintings, but I am not sure why- yet. My favorite art teacher in college used to ask us things like, “does it even matter?” if we attempted to dissect a famous art piece too much. That stuck with me too. I try to make room for both sentiments in my process.”
Current Projects:
“Fucked” @fuckedzine
Zine (mini-magazine) | 2 printed issues
Quotes, photos and collage to summarize personal experiences with codependency, heartbreak, self-abandonment, emotional sobriety and withdrawal.